Saturday, January 12, 2019

2018 Comic Book Movie Rankings

2018 was a fantastic year for comic book movies, and in my opinion, there isn't a terrible movie this year, but there are certain movies I found that were better and I enjoyed more than others. Here are my rankings for the comic book movies released in 2018:

8. Venom

I enjoyed the second half of this film quite a bit, but the first half is a brutal slog, and you don't really care for Eddie until the second half as well. Venom has some laugh out loud bad moments, in particular when Venom attaches to Anne and they decide to kiss Eddie is flat out awful, and I laughed in the middle of the theatre. The biggest issue I see in this movie is no Spider-Man to develop the characters Venom and Eddie. I see promise in the future of these characters Eddie and Venom, but the overall film landed flat.

7. Ant-Man and the Wasp

I know, how can I rate this so low? It's not that I don't enjoy this movie, because I do, but I feel like this movie isn't as good as the ones above it. Ant-Man and the Wasp is an extremely lighthearted movie which involves great humor and unique action with the shrinking and enlarging of the characters. My favorite aspect of this movie is Scott (Ant-Man), and Hope (Wasp) have fantastic chemistry along with each of them has unique fighting styles to them, and that makes the action scenes even better.

6. Aquaman 

This movie reminds me of Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man. A lot of corny moments and parts where this movie is quite awkward. But Aquaman finds it's footing in the second to third act when the exposition is done with. Mera, played by Amber Heard was the standout for me in this film, and her chemistry with Jason Momoa's Aquaman was spectacular. The development of the Black Manta was one of the weaker parts of the movie, and I felt director James Wan could've cut that storyline out. Overall, Aquaman was a solid movie and a great stepping stone for the DCU.

5. Deadpool 2

An enjoyable sequel to the original first movie and a solid addition to the Deadpool lore. The best part about this movie other than its humor is Zazie Beats as Domino. She was fantastic and played the character with flair. Josh Brolin as Cable was also great, and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool is one of the most fabulous character/actor pairings of all time.

4. Incredibles 2

An excellent sequel to the original movie "The Incredibles" with nearly every member of the cast reprising their voice acting roles. I continue to love the Parr family and their moments together. What I particularly enjoyed about this film is that they are together a lot more than the first film. The villain was predictable and the story was sometimes bland, but there were some flat out great moments in Incredibles 2.

3. Black Panther

I love this movie and find it so well put together. There are aspects of this film I feel that are overrated but overall this movie was a blast. Chadwick Boseman was excellent in his role as the Black Panther and as king T'Challa, showing humbleness while also showing strong individual leadership over his country. My favorite scene from this film is when he sees his father in the afterlife, and the desperation and anger that T'Challa has builds a great character.

2. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Wowie this movie is INCREDIBLE. I watched it opening night, and I wanted to watch it again right after. Miles Morales is finally on the big screen that he deserves, and they deliver. The animation in this movie is so ridiculously good and feels like you're watching a comic book come to life. It's everything a comic fan could dream of. Peter Parker's death is executed so well, and the impact that it has on New York and the citizens are perfect. Miles goes on his own hero's journey and learns tough lessons along the way involving his father and his faith in himself. The supporting spider people were awesome, and this movie was awesome. I can't say enough about this film.

1. Avengers: Infinity War

Have you ever been so excited or enthralled to go to a movie that you couldn't stand the wait? This is how I was with Avengers: Infinity War. The complete storytelling of the past 10 years has to lead up to this movie, delivers like Ray Allen delivered in the NBA finals a few years back. This film is what comic book fans have been wanting, a multiple series crossing film that included all of their characters that also followed a comic book with certain accuracies. The emotion Josh Brolin plays with as Thanos is barred none, Iron Man's willingness to sacrificing his life, Thor going through hell and back to get his revenge on Thanos, and Thanos's willingness to kill his daughter for a stone. A well-made film that the Russo Brothers should be proud of.


What are your guy's opinions on this list? My thought process throughout this list is what movie did I enjoy the most and then went from there. I know many people were fans of Venom, so was I too harsh or not harsh enough? I found that movie to be frustrating on many levels and I didn't start to enjoy the film until the third act. Ant-Man and the Wasp was underwhelming for me, but it isn't as bad as people are saying. It has cute moments and is a genuinely funny movie. It will also have a HUGE tie into Avengers: Endgame this year with the Quantum Relm. The hardest pick I had in this list was Black Panther and Incredibles 2. I love both films and hope to see some light on what everyone else thinks. I thought some of the story to Incredibles 2 borderlined on bad, while Black Panthers final fight with Killmonger and T'Challa was piss poor, the CGI was dreadful during that final battle. One last thought, If you haven't seen Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, please go do yourself a favor and watch it!

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